Why I started making soap?

I started making my own soaps not because it was a hobby, but at the time I had teenagers that were going through puberty, hormonal changes which contributed to breakouts, and we all know how it is when your at that age, your sensitive about your appearance and not to mention what children go through being teased about things out of their control.

I got them to try different products but they would only work for a few weeks, then once again it began.  I then came across a YouTube video that was making a simple home made soap with organic oils, essential oils and herbs and so I decided to give it a try.

This got me to start researching herbs, oils and there skin benefits, and so the journey began. This venture did not only give me a new skill, but it also cleared up the pimples and breakouts, the look and feel of the skin was better, that was all the motivation I needed.

Then I came to realize that once you start using homemade soaps, you’ll never go back,  I was hooked, and come to think of it, I think I was mainly purchasing commercial soaps because I didn’t think I could make my own, or were to get these handmade soaps, and also, a lot of it had to do with the enticing packaging ( pretty things), so I decided to start making quality soaps, soaps that are organic, effective, smells great and are also beautiful, and frankly, I love them and hope you will too, enjoy 


With  love

Spirituality And Beauty 


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